

Action Committee Condemning Batang Kali Massacre Demanding Public Inquiry

The Action Committee Condemning Batang Kali Massacre hold a Press Conference on 30 January 2009 in response to the British Government's reply on the petition. Following is the full text press statement:

1. Following the petitions submitted by the Action Committee Condemning the Batang Kali Massacre on both 25 March and 12 December 2008, the British High Commissioner, HE Boyd McCleary, being the representative of HM Queen Elizabeth II in Malaysia, has been directed to reply to the petitions on 21 January 2009.

2. The British Government claims that they have carefully considered the petitions and concludes that “in view of the findings of 2 previous investigations that there was insufficient evidence to pursue prosecutions in this case, and in the absence of any new evidence, regrettable we see no reason to reopen or start a fresh investigation.” It is understood that the 2 previous investigation referred to the 1949 and the 1970 investigations.

3. The Action Committee is disappointed and absolutely not convinced with the British Government reply because the latter has not taken into account the inherent unsatisfactory and incomplete nature of the previous 2 investigations. Instead, the British Government has taken into account an irrelevant consideration of pursuing criminal prosecution, which is not intended or demanded by the surviving families of the massacre.

4. There were 4 sworn statements from the soldiers involved confirming that they had misled the 1949 investigation. The soldiers admitted there was an intentional killing and the unarmed civilians were not trying to escape. The sworn statements were not rebutted. As such, the credibility of the 1949 investigation has been put into doubt.

5. As for the 1970 investigation, the then Director of Public Prosecution, who instructed to halt the 1970 investigation prematurely, admitted that there was a substantial conflict of evidence amongst the soldiers involved, and no statement or interview was ever taken from the Malaysian witnesses, such as the survival of the massacre, Chong Foong and his wife Tham Yong. In addition, no process of body exhumation and forensic examination were ever conducted. We submit that the 1970 investigation is incomplete and certainly inconclusive.

6. In view of the above, we can’t help but to conclude that the British Government has failed to read and consider the petitions submitted by the Action Committee carefully and with due weight. They have used the “1970 standard format reply”, which is obviously outdated. We have the statements from the Malaysian eye-witnesses. Further, the remains of the massacre were lying at the cemetery of Ulu Yam, Batang Kali. These are credible evidence for the case which have never been considered by the British authorities.

7. Let’s be very clear. The surviving families are not seeking any criminal trial of the soldiers involved. They are requesting a thorough and an independent investigation via the setting up of a public inquiry so that the historical truth can be discovered. The surviving families, who lost their bread earners for the past 60 years, have been living in a dismal plight. It is only reasonable for them to request an official apology, compensation and construction of a memorial for their love ones from the authority who had committed an atrocity.

8. The surviving families’ lawyer in UK will write a formal letter to the British Government (known as Pre-Action Protocol letter) setting out the reasons that the decision taken by the British Government is unlawful, and inviting them to reconsider their position before we ensue with legal proceeding.

9. Meanwhile, the Action Committee will be seeking a meeting with the Malaysian representative of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association for purpose of persuading the Malaysian MP to seek redress for the surviving families within the Commonwealth network.

10. We sincerely hope that in the interest of both UK and Malaysian community, the British Government will accede to the request of setting up a public inquiry on the Batang Kali massacre.

Quek Ngee Meng
Coordinator, Voluntary Lawyers
The Action Committee Condemning the Batang Kali Massacre
30 January 2009
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吴启聪 NG KEE CHUNG said...


u scratch his back, i scratch ur back!



吾说八道Rukun Lapan said...








奕翰 said...


Unknown said...

Dipetik dari Suara Keadilan (dari markas Angkatan Muda Keadilan) (http://www.suarakeadilan.com/sk/beritautama/2009/04/4408)
Cadangan penalti RM50,000 bagi anggota dewan undangan negeri dan RM100,000 bagi anggota parlimen yang melepaskan jawatan tanpa sebab munasabah adalah satu cadangan keanak-anakan kerana tidak masuk akal kata Timbalan Angkatan Muda (AMK) KeADILan Faris Musa.
Berikutan kenyataan Ketua Pemuda Gerakan Kedah Tan Keng Liang yang mahu penalty itu di kenakan keatas mana-mana Adun atau Ahli Parlimen yang mahu meletak jawatan tanpa sebab manasabah.
Beliau juga mencadangkan jika perletakan jawatan itu atas alasan bagi mendapat mandat baru daripada pengundi bagi Adun terbabit untuk menyertai parti gabungan, penalti itu perlu dikurangkan separuh.
Sementara itu, satu lagi kenyataan yang dibuat oleh Ahli Parlimen Jerlun, Mukhriz Mahathir menyokong supaya Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya (SPR) mengenakan hukuman terhadap wakil rakyat yang meletak jawatan sesuka hati tanpa alasan yang kukuh.
Katanya, perbuatan meletak jawatan dalam kalangan Anggota Parlimen atau Anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri pembangkang dengan sewenang-wenangnya, kini seolah-olah menjadi trend bagi memastikan parti mereka sentiasa mendapat perhatian.
Perbuatan itu katanya merugikan rakyat dan negara kerana pilihan raya kecil memerlukan perbelanjaan besar setiap kali diadakan, selain mewujudkan suasana tidak selesa dalam kalangan penyokong parti-parti yang bertanding.
Faris membidas kenyataan Tan dan Mukhris sebagai tidak masuk akal kerana amalan perletakan jawatan adalah perkara biasa yang diamalkan di negara-negara berasakan demokrasi.
“Kenyataan itu amat tidak masuk akal serta agak keterlaluan dan memihak kepada kerajaan Barisan Nasional sahaja tanpa mengambil kira pendapat pihak lain,” jelas Faris kepada Suara Keadilan.