1) 提呈马华会长理事会的报告
(一) 继续支持终身学习中心并强化之;
(二) 若马华领导层决定停止终身学习中心,建议所有中心维持运作至2011年2月,不管其合约是否在此之前届满,并在2010年12月进行总检讨。
2) 5月11日马华会长理事会的决定
3) 终身学习秘书处提呈的建议被否决
在终身学习计划的首阶段,通过秘书处、马华区会、终身学习中心、拉曼大学教育延续中心 (CEE) 与拉曼学院专业教育延续中心(CPE)等不同组织的努力,共开办2100项短期课程与活动,吸引101,613人次。
马华为民的斗争平台,并不属于任何领袖的专利权。当众领袖陷入迷思 ,捆缚在特大、党章与道德诠释的内耗中,马华干部都应立即担挑起落实强党利民的工作。若马华干部们也意兴阑珊时,马华基层党员们更应马上就位填补为民服务工作的真空。这工作刻不容缓!
我们接受之前的调查是重要的,因为之前的调查曝露了更多的案件疑点。如,警方决定前去马来西亚进行实地调查和咨询主要涉案人物后,却突然被指示停止调查;总监曾经指出两名警察的供词难以理解,因为其中一名警察嘉化泰益(JAFFAR BIN TAIB)宣称见证了屠杀事件;官方完全没有尝试去调查1948年和1970年两份供词之间的差异,尤其是已经有证据证明1948年的供词有企图掩盖事实的嫌疑。
义务律师召集人,郭义民律师 与卢律融律师启
郭義民 Quek Ngee Meng
标签: Batang Kali Massacre, 法裡法外
Press Statement in relation to the UK Government reconsidering the Action Committee’s requests
Press Statement in relation to the UK Government reconsidering the Action Committee’s requests
1. While the Action Committee Condemning the Batang Kali Massacre welcomes the sensible move made by the UK Secretary of State for Foreign and Secretary of State for Defence to withdraw their 21/1/09 refusal and reconsider the surviving families’ requests for setting up a public inquiry, it is cautious about the relevant authorities may intentionally drag all efforts during the restoration of truth to the detriment of the families.
2. Tham Yong, one of the surviving families, has on 1/4/09 through her lawyers, Bindmans LLP, issued letter before claim to the Secretaries of State stating categorically that the refusal on public inquiry and reparation requests are unlawful for the following reasons:-
a. the explanation for not undertaking an inquiry or further investigation is unlawful and irrational;
b. failure to have due regards to the race relations implications of the decisions;
c. the reasons for the decisions are inadequate; and
d. in the circumstances of the present case, an adequate inquiry and reparation are demanded by the common law to give to customary international law.
3. Tham Yong and the remaining surviving families are demanding the following from the Secretaries of State:-
a. agree to constitute a public inquiry with the terms of reference to determine the reasons for the killings at Batang Kali and to identify the lessons that should be learned;
b. include in the inquiry’s remit the power to make recommendations as to redress, or establish an alternative fair mechanism for determining the amount and form of redress for breaches of humanitarian and human right laws that occurred at Batang Kali on 11 and 12 December 1948; and
c. set out provisional timetable for progressing the above and agree to consider representations from Tham Yong and others about it.
4. Secretaries of State’s solicitor requested for an extension to reply until 24/4/09 and agree that Tham Yong may issue claim on or before 8/5/2009.
5. On 24/4/09, Secretaries of State decided to reconsider its decision of not holding a public inquiry or further investigation into this matter and requested for “few months” to make up their mind. This request is not accepted by Tham Yong and the Committee. We are of the view that such a long and uncertain period of determination is either a genuine typo error on the part of the Secretaries of State or they are simply dragging time unnecessary to the detriment of the surviving families.
6. Tham Yong’s lawyer has made clear on 27/4/09 that the reconsideration process must be completed within 6 weeks because most of the materials are exclusively records of the Secretaries of States, which presumably they must have already considered.
7. There is an absolute urgency on this matter as most of the witnesses may not be able to wait for the justice to be restored. For example, one of the eye witnesses, Wong Kum Sooi, who was 11 at time of killings, passed away on last Friday. He was the eldest son of Huang Ren and nephew to Huang De-Feng, both of whom were killed by the British Army on 12 December 1948 at Batang Kali. JUSTICE DELAYED IS NONE OTHER THAN JUSTICE DENIED. In the circumstances, the Committee urges the Secretaries of State involved agreeing to the request of the surviving families for an inquiry and reparation consistent with international humanitarian standards.
8. The Committee wishes to state in no uncertain term that the only lawful decision as a result of the reconsideration exercise by the Secretaries of State is to hold an inquiry and make reparations either immediately or in the light of that inquiry’s findings.
Quek Ngee Meng
Halim Hong & Quek
For and on behalf of
The Action Committee Condemning the Batang Kali Massacre
郭義民 Quek Ngee Meng
标签: Batang Kali Massacre, 法裡法外
I have not been updating my blog since Chinese New Year. But this is the platform that I can voice up my absolute anger with the recent unwarranted actions taken by the police.
I disagree with and strongly condemn the arrest of Wong Chin Huat and those who supported him during the candlelight vigil. Such arrest, which based upon an ambiguous law of seditions and an unconstitutional police power to clamp down peaceful appeal, is totally unwarranted and irrational.
Ambiguous Sedition Charges
It is alleged that Wong Chin Huat has been violated Section 4(1) of the Sedition Act, 1948, where he has uttered and published words of seditious tendency. Seditious tendency is defined under Section 3 as follow:-
a. bring hatred against Government (means Federal or State) or against any Ruler (means Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Ruler or Governor of any State);
b. excite someone to bring unlawful alteration of the Government or Rulers;
c. bring hatred against the administration of Justice;
d. raise discontent or dissatisfaction amongst the subjects of the King and Rulers or among the inhabitants of Malaysia;
e. promote feeling of ill-will and hostility between different races;
f. question right, status, position, privilege or prerogative protected by Part III (Citizenship), Art. 152 (National Language and learning of other languages), Art. 153 (Reservation of quotas pertaining to services, permit etc for Malay and natives of Sabah and Sarawak), and Art. 181 (Rulers’ sovereignty) of the Federal Constitution.
At time of writing, it is unclear which provision that the police is relying on to charge Wong.
However, it is believed that the arrest is connected with the campaign spearheaded by Wong to question the legality of the new Perak Government. Besides targeting at Prime Minister Najib, it is reported that Wong is striving for a new state election in Perak.
On the face of the reported news, it can be hardly convinced that Wong is liable for sedition charges. In my opinion, he has not said any words which are contravened to any item stipulated under Section 3 above. He is merely questioning the constitutionality of the present State Government and wishes that the people/voters be the ultimate arbiter of this issue. The general public is of the view that only with a fresh State Election, the dispute between political parties will be settled once and for all. In fact, Section 3(2) of the Sedition Act allows for these exceptions.
Bearing in mind that the case of who is the legal MB has yet to decided prior to Wong’s arrest. It is perfectly legal for Wong to defend what he perceived to be his constitutional rights and request the power to decide the MB (via barisan/party which win the most seats in the election) be rested with the rakyat.
Charging Wong under the Sedition Act is a clear act of suppressing expression which is guaranteed by Article 10(1)(a) of the Federal Constitution.
Unconstitutional Police Power
The police have always abused their power purportedly granted under Section 27 of the Police Act, 1967 to arrest peaceful assembly and procession of more than 3 persons. This power is unconstitutional because it runs foul of Article 10(1)(b) of the Federal Constitution, which confers the rights to assembly peaceably and without arms.
Section 27 is in contradiction to Section 141 of the Penal Code as well. The Penal Code disallows participation in a public or private gathering if a gathering of 5 or more persons has the common object to commit criminal conducts, which make sense to any ordinary people. We just can’t figure out correctly why on earth the police need to clamp down peaceful assembly!
The police should concentrate their limited resources in camping down those criminal who violated the Penal Code and do their best endeavour to reduce the crime rate, instead of arresting peaceful assembly under the Police Act. We must strongly censure such abusive power exercise by the police, which will bring darkness to the nation building.
Consistency of Principle
I met Wong in 1999 when I supported the BN during the General Election. We have heated argument but I salute him for his persistency and consistency in holding the principles that he believed. He has impressed me as a lobbyist for the betterment of our nation. He disagrees with BN for abusing the draconian law of ISA. He condemns Anwar who initiated the immoral hopping of wakil rakyat. He promotes local council election, and for that matter, a fairer and more transparent election. Our country needs more rakyat like Wong who, in line with the Federal Constitution, stands firm and fight hard for what he believe in.
I humbly appeal to the Prime Minister, the Minister of Home Affairs and those who believe in safeguarding every provisions of our Constitution, use you power/influence to free WONG CHIN HUAT immediately.
Action Committee Condemning Batang Kali Massacre Demanding Public Inquiry
1. Following the petitions submitted by the Action Committee Condemning the Batang Kali Massacre on both 25 March and 12 December 2008, the British High Commissioner, HE Boyd McCleary, being the representative of HM Queen Elizabeth II in Malaysia, has been directed to reply to the petitions on 21 January 2009.
2. The British Government claims that they have carefully considered the petitions and concludes that “in view of the findings of 2 previous investigations that there was insufficient evidence to pursue prosecutions in this case, and in the absence of any new evidence, regrettable we see no reason to reopen or start a fresh investigation.” It is understood that the 2 previous investigation referred to the 1949 and the 1970 investigations.
3. The Action Committee is disappointed and absolutely not convinced with the British Government reply because the latter has not taken into account the inherent unsatisfactory and incomplete nature of the previous 2 investigations. Instead, the British Government has taken into account an irrelevant consideration of pursuing criminal prosecution, which is not intended or demanded by the surviving families of the massacre.
4. There were 4 sworn statements from the soldiers involved confirming that they had misled the 1949 investigation. The soldiers admitted there was an intentional killing and the unarmed civilians were not trying to escape. The sworn statements were not rebutted. As such, the credibility of the 1949 investigation has been put into doubt.
5. As for the 1970 investigation, the then Director of Public Prosecution, who instructed to halt the 1970 investigation prematurely, admitted that there was a substantial conflict of evidence amongst the soldiers involved, and no statement or interview was ever taken from the Malaysian witnesses, such as the survival of the massacre, Chong Foong and his wife Tham Yong. In addition, no process of body exhumation and forensic examination were ever conducted. We submit that the 1970 investigation is incomplete and certainly inconclusive.
6. In view of the above, we can’t help but to conclude that the British Government has failed to read and consider the petitions submitted by the Action Committee carefully and with due weight. They have used the “1970 standard format reply”, which is obviously outdated. We have the statements from the Malaysian eye-witnesses. Further, the remains of the massacre were lying at the cemetery of Ulu Yam, Batang Kali. These are credible evidence for the case which have never been considered by the British authorities.
7. Let’s be very clear. The surviving families are not seeking any criminal trial of the soldiers involved. They are requesting a thorough and an independent investigation via the setting up of a public inquiry so that the historical truth can be discovered. The surviving families, who lost their bread earners for the past 60 years, have been living in a dismal plight. It is only reasonable for them to request an official apology, compensation and construction of a memorial for their love ones from the authority who had committed an atrocity.
8. The surviving families’ lawyer in UK will write a formal letter to the British Government (known as Pre-Action Protocol letter) setting out the reasons that the decision taken by the British Government is unlawful, and inviting them to reconsider their position before we ensue with legal proceeding.
9. Meanwhile, the Action Committee will be seeking a meeting with the Malaysian representative of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association for purpose of persuading the Malaysian MP to seek redress for the surviving families within the Commonwealth network.
10. We sincerely hope that in the interest of both UK and Malaysian community, the British Government will accede to the request of setting up a public inquiry on the Batang Kali massacre.
Quek Ngee Meng
Coordinator, Voluntary Lawyers
The Action Committee Condemning the Batang Kali Massacre
30 January 2009
Menegakkan Kebenaran Terhadap Pembunuhan Kejam Askar-Askar
This article-- published in the form of Letter from Reader--miscontrued our efforts to address the historical injustice committed by British Army as an effort to rectify the Communist movement during the Emergency.
As the article is baseless and rely on wrong facts, I have therefore responded to the article via Utusan Malaysia Forum.
Below is my response to it:
Menegakkan Kebenaran Terhadap Pembunuhan Kejam Askar-Askar UK
Pembangunan yang berterusan oleh negara kita sedang berhadapan dengan satu masalah besar. Sesetengah suku masyarakat kita masih dibebani dengan pemikiran stereotaip yang gemar untuk melabel pihak yang tidak bersetuju sebagai pelampau atau “extremist” tanpa sebarang asas atau justifikasi. Seorang yang dikenali sebagai “Tan” termasuk di dalam kategori ini apabila beliau mempamerkan permikiran yang sempit dan kolot di dalam artikel beliau yang bertajuk “Usaha pinda fakta sejarah iktiraf perjuangan PKM” (Utusan, 22/12/08).
Tan telah membuat beberapa kesilapan fakta dan asas di dalam artikelnya apabila beliau mendakwa individu-individu yang mengetuai kempen menuntut pembetulan untuk keluarga-keluarga pihak yang terselamat di dalam pembunuhan beramai-ramai di Batang Kali, seolah-olahnya cuba untuk menyatakan yang pergerakan Komunis adalah wajar, yang mana dakwaan tidak berasas ini adalah disangkal dengan keras.
Terdapat bukti-bukti yang kukuh untuk membuktikan yang askar British telah melakukan pembunuhan beramai-ramai yang tidak berperikemanusiaan terhadap 24 orang awam yang tidak bersenjata di Batang Kali pada 11 dan 12 Disember 1948. Pengakuan-pengakuan bersumpah oleh 4 orang askar yang terlibat di dalam pembunuhan itu kini disimpan di Arkib Kebangsaan UK di Kew. Pernyataan-pernyataan tersebut mendedahkan yang pasukan patrol mempunyai arahan awal untuk menghapuskan kampung tersebut; penduduk-penduduk kampung telah ditembak tanpa cubaan untuk melarikan diri; dan terdapat konspirasi untuk mengelirukan soal siasat pada 1949.
Pernyataan saksi-saksi yang terselamat daripada pembunuhan tersebut juga selaras dengan pengakuan askar-askar British berkenaan. Malahan, terdapat 3 orang saksi yang masih di awal usia remaja dan kanak-kanak sewaktu berlakunya pembunuhan tersebut, turut berarak bersama-sama badan perwakilan ke Kedutaan British sempena ulang tahun ke-60 kejadian pembunuhan beramai-ramai tersebut. Ini adalah untuk menyangkal dakwaan Tan yang kononnya tiada ahli perwakilan itu yang telah menyaksikan sendiri pembunuhan beramai-ramai tersebut.
Satu penyiasatan jenayah yang telah dijalankan pada 1970 telah mendedahkan bukti-bukti yang bercanggah di kalangan askar-askar. Walaubagaimanapun, penyiasatan tersebut telah dihentikan secara mendadak oleh Parti Kerajaan Konservatif UK hanya 10 hari selepas mereka memenangi pilihanraya umum. Terdapat juga bukti yang menunjukkan Kerajaan UK telah mencuba untuk melindungi reputasi askar-askarnya yang sedang berhadapan dengan masalah besar di dalam konflik Ireland Utara dan oleh yang demikian, telah menghentikan siasatan pembunuhan beramai-ramai Batang Kali dengan terburu-buru.
Ramai ahli-ahli sejarah dan penulis-penulis telah mempersoalkan rekod-rekod rasmi Kerajaan UK. Di dalam sebuah buku sejarah bergambar yang telah ditulis oleh Lt Col (R) Mohd Azzam Mohd Hanif Ghows bertajuk “The Malayan Emergency Revisited 1948-1960”, terdapat penjelasan mengenai pembunuhan yang telah dilakukan oleh Askar British di Batang Kali pada 12 Disember 1948. Ia menyatakan bahawa “suspicious remained about a possible government whitewash. Indeed later, in 1969 [should be 1970], following the international outcry over the My Lai massacre in Vietnam, claims in British newspaper forced a new investigation, but a change in government in Britain led to the enquiry being aborted, despite sworn statements from participants and a lone survivor that a deliberate massacre had taken place.”
Sebagai tambahan, laman web ensiklopedia, Wikipedia, juga ada menyatakan mengenai Pembunuhan Beramai-ramai Batang Kali: “Early reports claimed the men had run into the soldiers’ gunfire. In contrast, later reports stated that the soldiers gave chase and opened fire on the fleeing villagers. The official account is that the men tried to escape into the jungle after being warned they would be shot if they ran. No one disputes the fact that all the victims were unarmed. Nevertheless, the charge of a massacre has never been thoroughly investigated by either the Malaysian or British governments. The British troops and locals involved were never charged over the killings.”
Syak wasangka yang sama juga boleh didapati di dalam buku yang ditulis oleh dua ahli sejarah dari Universiti Cambridge, “Forgotten Wars – The End of Britain’s Asian Empire.” Di dalam artikel Tan, beliau nampaknya telah terlalu bergantung kepada cerita yang diberikan oleh Chin Peng tanpa melakukan kajian yang sempurna.
Jelas di sini, Jawatankuasa yang menuntut keadilan untuk mangsa-mangsa bukanlah mempersoalkan keesahan Darurat atau perperangan gerila itu sendiri. Walaubagaimanapun, tiada siapa yang boleh bertoleransi dengan kekejaman yang telah dilakukan oleh mereka yang bersenjata dan bertindak ganas terhadap orang awam yang tidak berdosa dan tidak bersenjata. Ini adalah nilai diri asas yang diperjuangkan oleh rakyat Malaysia dan generasi muda. Nilai diri yang menghormati maruah manusia, nilai diri yang mana kebenaran dan kejujuran adalah asas masyarakat yang sivik dan maju, dan nilai diri yang mana pesalah akan dipertanggungjawabkan. Tidak terdapat had masa yang menghalang nilai-nilai ini untuk berkembang, dan juga tidak terdapat apa-apa perberzaan prinsip untuk nilai-nilai ini ditegakkan di mana-mana bahagian di dunia ini.
Ia dipercayai secara luasnya bahawa sesetengah suku masyarakat mempunyai niat untuk menyembunyikan kebenaran dan menyeleweng masyarakat umum dan juga komuniti antarabangsa, termasuk Kerajaan UK dan Tan. Oleh itu, usaha untuk membetulkan kesalahan sejarah tentang pembunuhan beramai-ramai Batang Kali telah dibangkitkan secara tegas daripada MCA, PKR, dan DAP bersama-sama 553 Persatuan dan NGO Malaysia.
Quek Ngee Meng
Kuala Lumpur
Original article by Tan (Utusan, 22/12/2008)
Usaha pinda fakta sejarah iktiraf perjuangan PKM
SEKUMPULAN aktivis Cina yang disokong oleh DAP telah menuntut kerajaan Britain membayar dosa tenteranya yang didakwa telah membunuh 24 penduduk keturunan Cina di sebuah kampung di Batang Kali, Selangor.
Kumpulan tersebut menuntut pampasan sebanyak 80 juta pound (RM425 juta) kerana kononnya tentera yang dibunuh itu bukan pengganas komunis seperti yang didakwa.
Tunjuk perasaan telah diadakan di hadapan pejabat Pesuruhjaya Tinggi Britain di Kuala Lumpur baru-baru ini disusuli dengan penyampaian memorandum tuntutan itu.
Isu tersebut juga pernah diperjuangkan oleh DAP di Parlimen.
Anggota kumpulan aktivis tersebut tidak pernah menyaksikan sendiri peristiwa pembunuhan itu tetapi membuat tuntutan berasaskan fakta sejarah yang memihak kepada mangsa seperti yang ditulis oleh pemimpin Parti Komunis Malaya, Chin Peng dalam memoirnya, My Side of History.
Chin Peng mendakwa mangsa pembunuhan itu bukan pengganas tetapi orang awam dan beliau menyamakan tindakan tentera British itu seperti peristiwa My Lai yang berlaku 19 tahun kemudiannya di Vietnam iaitu pada 16 Mac I968 di mana tentera Amerika melakukan pembunuhan orang awam secara beramai-ramai.
Menurut Chin Peng, sebuah akhbar mingguan popular British, The People telah mendapat maklumat tentang peristiwa yang sama berlaku di Malaya semasa darurat dan menjalankan siasatan dengan menemu ramah bekas tentera yang berkhidmat pada masa itu dan mendedahkannya di muka hadapan The People keluaran 1 Februari 1970.
Pendedahan itu berkata: "It flatly charged that on December 1948, the Scots Guards platoon had perpetrated a cold blooded massacre civillian workers at Batang Kali."
Menurut Chin Peng lagi, semua fail polis mengenai Batang Kali masih dirahsiakan sehingga hari ini. Beliau menyifatkan dakwaan British terhadap mangsa pembunuhan itu sebagai 'pengganas' adalah emotive terminology yang digunakan supaya tidak berlaku pendewaan terhadap perjuangan PKM. Beliau mengemukakan hal itu sebagai satu kes 'sejarah disunting' atau dipinda atau diputarbelitkan.
Perjuangan menuntut pampasan bagi kejadian Batang Kali telah dibuat berulang kali lama sebelum Hindraf menuntut ratusan juta ringgit pampasan daripada kerajaan Britain kerana tidak menjaga kebajikan orang India sebagai pendatang dan buruh di bawah pemerintahan penjajahan British.
Yang tidak menuntut pampasan daripada kerajaan British ialah orang Melayu kerana mereka merasakan bahawa dengan pemberian kemerdekaan negara ini maka British tidak lagi berhutang kepada mereka.
Kemerdekaan inilah pengiktirafan terhadap ketuanan mereka tetapi pihak lain harus menghalalkan perjuangan yang haram bagi mengesahkan ketuanan dan hak mereka ke atas negara ini.
Itulah kehendak PKM yang telah menegakkan pemerintahan Bintang Tiga beberapa hari selepas kekalahan Jepun dan sebelum anggota MPAJA atau PKM lari ke hutan untuk meneruskan perjuangan bersenjata bagi menegakkan pemerintahan Cina di Malaya pada tahun 1948.
Nampaknya buku sejarah perjuangan PKM yang ditulis oleh pemimpin-pemimpinnya sama ada yang masih hidup atau telah mati sedikit sebanyak berjaya menjadi isu kontroversi di negara ini setelah PKM dikalahkan dan dihapuskan.
Golongan cauvinis Cina di Malaya mahu meneruskan perjuangan yang gagal itu.
Jika kerajaan Britain bersetuju membayar pampasan itu maka bererti pengiktirafan terhadap perjuangan PKM dan banyak lagi pembunuhan pengganas akan dituntut untuk diiktiraf sebagai pembunuhan awam dengan bukti daripada bekas pemimpin PKM dan juga orang yang bersimpati dengan mereka di luar negara.
Tidak hanya Ching Peng yang menulis memoirnya tetapi Rashid Maidin dan Shamsiah Fakeh dan beberapa orang lagi bekas pemimpin PKM berketurunan Melayu juga menulis kisah masing-masing untuk mengesahkan perjuangan mereka.
Harus diingat jika PKM berjaya, negara ini tidak lagi mempunyai orang Melayu sebagai raja dan Yang di-Pertuan Agong, juga tidak ada lagi perbincangan mengenai ketuanan Melayu.
Sesungguhnya bukan sukar untuk meminda sejarah kerana Singapura telah pun berjaya melakukannya dan di Malaysia usaha secara terancang sedang berlaku sekarang.
Malaysia's Last Witness to 1948 Massacre Calls for Justice (AFP法新社)
AFP (法新社)coverage on the Batang Kali Massacre, which was published this morning. Full text as follows:
BATANG KALI, Malaysia (AFP) — Tham Yong is elderly and infirm, but the sole living survivor of Malaysia's 1948 Batang Kali massacre says she still vividly remembers what she calls "the day the British killed our men".
"After so much time, it still hurts me every time I talk about it, I remember it just like yesterday," she says, tears streaming down her cheeks as she recounts the slaying of 24 unarmed villagers by Scots Guards troops.
The 77-year-old former rubber tapper has spent decades fighting for compensation over the terrible events in the village of Batang Kali on December 11 and 12, 1948.
But as she succumbs to throat cancer, the campaign is being taken up by a new generation of activists and politicians who have demanded an apology from Britain and 80 million pounds (149 million dollars) in compensation.
The leader of the campaign, 40-year-old lawyer Quek Ngee Meng -- whose father lives in Batang Kali -- marched with a small band of supporters to the British High Commission on Friday to mark the 60th anniversary of the event.
The group presented a memorandum condemning the massacre to High Commissioner Boyd McCleary, who came out to the embassy gates to meet with the protesters.
"We are asking for a proper public enquiry to be held... I think it's a fair request," Quek told AFP.
"Let us show our evidence and if we have proven our case, then meet our demands. If the outcome favours the British government, then we will stop this protest," he said.
In June 1948, the British authorities declared a state of emergency in the colony then known as Malaya, which was overrun by communist insurgents engaged in a violent and brutal guerrilla war that would last 12 years.
The Chinese community in the multiracial nation were suspected of supporting the communists, as most of the insurgents were ethnic Chinese upset over a lack of rights that saw them endure appalling working conditions.
Many were unhappy that after World War II, in which the Chinese communists put up the only effective resistance in Japanese-occupied Malaya, they were now being offered only limited citizenship in the country they had fought for.
This, in addition to a post-war regional economic slowdown that brought massive unemployment, led many to join the communists in a campaign to oust the British colonial rulers.
To contain the insurrection, the authorities used British troops to carry out anti-guerrilla operations although many were raw recruits as most of the soldiers who had fought in World War II had been demobilised.
Batang Kali, which lies just outside the modern capital Kuala Lumpur, remains much like it was on the day when 14 British soldiers opened fire on unarmed men and torched the village.
Tham Yong still lives there, in a spartan house with cement floors, a single lightbulb and only a few sticks of furniture.
"The soldiers came in the evening as we were preparing our meal," said the elderly lady, who because of surgery for her throat cancer has to press closed a hole in her throat in order to speak.
"They rounded us all up and we were terrified," she said.
"Even though we said we were not communists and we had no weapons, they killed one of the young men in cold blood in front of my eyes because he had a permit to collect durians, written in Chinese."
"I think the British soldiers must have thought it was a communist document," she said.
"The soldiers then told him to run away but he didn't want to, but they pushed him and when he did run, they shot him from the back."
Tham Yong said the soldiers then locked the men, women and children in a small room overnight.
"The next morning they loaded the women and childen in a truck and just after we were out of view we heard many shots and we knew the men were dead," she said.
"We were kept away for a week and when we returned we found the bloated bodies, half eaten by animals with most of them looking as if they were running away when shot. Even today when I think of what happens, it hurts so much."
The shooting was quickly explained away by the local government, with the then Malayan attorney general saying an inquiry had been held and the troops vindicated, although no trace of this investigation has been found.
The guerrilla war left thousands dead and formally ended only in 1989 with the signing of a peace treaty with the Malayan Communist Party.
The massacre lay forgotten until Britain's People newspaper in 1970 published an explosive account of the killings, publishing sworn affidavits by several soldiers involved who admitted the villagers were shot in cold blood.
The soldiers said in the statements -- now on record in British archives -- that the villagers were forced at gun-point to run, and then killed in a bid to make it look like an escape attempt.
Some of the soldiers said they were ordered to kill the villagers as a desire for revenge brewed among senior officers after several communist insurgents killed British and local security personnel weeks before.
The revelations caused major ripples in Britain just ahead of national elections, with then defence secretary Dennis Healy promising a full investigation.
However, plans for the enquiry were dropped after the Conservatives took power.
It was not until 1992, when a BBC documentary reminded Malaysians of the killings, that interest was revived, but demands for an inquiry have failed to make any headway.
Cabinet minister Ong Tee Keat, who is head of the main Chinese component party in Malaysia's coalition government, said recently that the history of the guerrilla war should be accurately portrayed.
"(The Batang Kali killings) have been glossed over by the colonial government administration. This has been kept under the rug for so long," Ong told AFP.
"What these people are seeking really is historical redress as those that were killed have long been described as bandits and Communist sympathisers," he said.
For Tham Yong, the feelings of injustice remain raw.
"I'm still angry because these were innocent persons but labelled as bandits and communists, when all they were doing was collecting durians and not supplying food to the communists," she said.
"My advanced cancer means I will not around much longer, but I hope people remember what happened here so that those who were killed here are never forgotten."
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